Chapter 17:
- Guinea: an English coin
- Sluice: a passage for water
- Untoward: improper
Chapter 18:
- Evince: to show or demonstrate clearly
- Pugilistic: having to do with boxing
Chapter 19:
- Amalgamation: consolidation
- Clemency: mercy
- Flaccid: soft
Chapter 20:
- Confectioner: a person who makes or deals candy
- Guileless: candid, innocent
Chapter 21:
- Disgorged: spit out
Chapter 22:
- Acquiesce: to comply passively with another's will
- Shod: wearing a shoe
- Circumjacent: in the surrounding area
- Imbue: to influence fully
- Languor: laziness
Chapter 23:
- Baronetcy: a rank of honor
- Vellum: a fine parchment made from a lamb or calf
Chapter 25:
- Bijou: a delicate trinket
- Tarpaulin: a tarp
Chapter 26:
- Nigh: near
Chapter 27:
- Blusterous: like a loud violent wind
- Pettish: fretful
Chapter 28:
- Choleric: hot-tempered
- Incommoded: bothered
Chapter 29:
- Dormouse: a small rodent
- Sinewy: lean and muscular
- Yore: a distant past
Chapter 30:
- Akimbo: hate
- Victualling: gathering food
- Engender: to produce or cause
Chapter 31:
- Diadem: crown
- Primeval: relating to earliest ages
Chapter 32:
- Portly: stout
Chapter 36:
- Aback: unexpectedly
- Per annum: by the year
Chapter 37:
- Jorum: a large drinking bowl
- Rubicund: having a healthy appearance
Chapter 38:
- Avowal: an open admission
- Leer: to stare maliciously
Chapter 40:
- Dandle: to pamper
- Uncouth: ill-mannered
- Mire: deep slimy mud
Chapter 43:
- Loiter: to linger purposely
- Blundering: Clumsy
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