Monday, November 25, 2013

Thinking Outside the Box

Compare how Plato and Sartre describe the limitations of our thinking and imply solutions to the problem.  Be sure to analyze their literary techniques, especially their use of allegory and extended metaphor.
Plato describes our limitations of our thoughts on reality through an extended metaphor and an allegory. Each prisoner believes that the shadows are reality, but they're not. All they have to do is turn their heads and see the real reality but they don't know any better. Plato also tells us that in order to become enlightened someone who knows the real reality has to set you free. Sartre believed that our vision is based on other's evaluation of us. In "No Exit", Estelle had to rely on Inez approval because she had no mirrors to see herself. He believes that we have to put our trust in other's which is extremely hard to do because "Hell is other people." They both use dialogue and didactics to get their points across and the characters play an important part in each of their ideas.

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