Thursday, November 21, 2013

Allegory of the Cave Sonnet

Prisoners linked by their shackle
Stuck staring at shadows
While footsteps behind them crackle
Oblivious to the upcoming battle

Hidden from the light
Though the sun was wide
It was hard to sight
They needed a guide

Their guide, the freed
Now filled with glee
Would be the one to lead
The prisoners to the free.

However, they did not understand the actuality
Of this new reality.


  1. Hey Bailey I really liked your sonnet! It was really unique and well written!

  2. I liked how you broke up your stanzas and made it clear that it was a Shakespearean sonnet, it was also very well written.

    Two in one comment, I really like your blog and the font you chose to use. How are you going to study for vocabulary?

  3. I really enjoyed the figurative language you used! Your sonnet was well written!

    I really like the flower background you have on your blog, and the grey box for text really makes it stand out! I was wondering if you are doing you final project in a group, or just collaboratting and doing it yourself?

  4. I liked your sonnet a lot. I liked how you said they needed a guide!

    Your blog is very pretty! I read almost all your posts when I need help. Please comment on my sonnet! I need the help!

  5. hey Bay I like your sonnet it is very good.
    I love the background of your blog it is so cute!! How do you plan to study for the vocab final? here is a link to my blog

  6. Bailey, I really liked your rhyme scheme that you used in your sonnet. Your rhyming was used used throughout the entire piece and that was unique from all of the other ones I have read.

    I really enjoy the theme of your blog. The colors that you used are two of my favorite colors. I would like to know how are you planning on studying the hundreds of words that we learned this semester! Check out my blog at

  7. Amazing figurative language incorporated into this intense Shakespearean Sonnet! It felt like you understood what was happening in the minds of the prisoners and it felt that way!

  8. The layout of your blog is really nice and inviting!
    So, how will you use your big question to help you with preparing for the final coming up?

  9. Dang Baliey sweet sonnet ! I really like the discriptions and the imagry
    It really paints a picture in my mind

  10. Nice incorporation of rhymes. Your sonnet is very good and illustrative!
