abase: to reduce or lower
The judge abased her punishments.
abdicate: relinquish a throne
Hamlet's father abdicated the throne when he died.
abomination: a vile or disliked action
The marriage of Claudius to Hamlet's mother was an abomination.
brusque: abrupt in manner
Claudius was brusque toward Hamlet.
saboteur: a person who commits sabotage
Claudius is considered a saboteur in "Hamlet."
debauchery: excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures
Claudius' mind was filled with debauchery.
proliferate: to increase in number
His army proliferated after his speech.
anachronism: a thing belonging to a period other than which it exists
She was proud to be an anachronism walking down the street in a poodle skirt.
nomenclature: a set of names or terms
Claudius, Hamlet, and Bernado are terms of nomenclature in "Hamlet."
expurgate: to amend by removing words
The teacher expurgated words so the class could understand better.
bellicose: eager to fight
He was described as bellicose.
gauche: lacking social grace
Claudius was gauche in act 1 scene 2.
rapacious: inordinately greedy
Claudius is considered rapacious in Hamlet.
paradox: a self-contradicting proposition
Claudius' speech is a popular paradox in "Hamlet."
conundrum: anything that puzzles
"Hamlet" can be a conundrum unless elaborated on.
anomaly: a deviation from the common rule
Marrying a brother's wife is an anomaly in our society.
ephemeral: lasting a short time
The ghost was ephemeral.
rancorous: full of bitterness
Hamlet is rancorous towards Claudius.
churlish: mean or rude
Claudius was churlish towards Hamlet.
precipitous: extremely steep
The hill to the castle was precipitous.
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