shenanigans (n): Mischievous persons
ricochet (v): To deflect or move in this way
schism (n): Division
eschew (v): To abstain or keep away from
plethora (n): An abundance
ebullient (adj): Overflown with fervor or enthusiasm
garrulous (adj): Excessively talkative
harangue (n): Scolding or intense verbal attack
interdependence (n): mutually reliant on each other
capricious (adj): fanciful or witty
loquacious (adj): talking much or freely
ephemeral (adj): lasting a very short time
inchoate (adj): not fully completed or developed
juxtapose (v): to place close together
perspicacious (adj): having keen mental perception
codswallop (n): nonsense
mungo (n): cloth made from recycled material
sesquipedalian (adj): having many syllables or use of long words
wonky (adj): unreliable
diphthong (n): A complete speech sound that begins with one vowel and changes to another
The group finally landed in Italy. On the way off the plane Eeeeeee Eeeeeeeeeee dropped his phone and it ricocheted off of the wall. A shenanigan snatched it up tried to eschew it away from Eeeeeee. Fortunately, the other two body guards, Torque Lewith and Dan Smith, created a schism and their interdependence helped them get the phone back. After that mix-up, the group went back to focusing on the game. They need to put their capricious minds together and through the plethora of information in their heads to find their next clue. All of the sudden Eeeeeee Eeeee becomes ebullient. He began talking in a garrulous manner with an excessive amount of dipthongs. The groups excitement was ephemeral and they quickly knew that his idea was completely codswallop and he was wonky. Tension began to rise when Annette had a harangue with Eeeeee Eeeeee and told him to shut up. Torque was able to calm everyone down and with his perspicacious mind he was able to infer that the makers of the race was not going to juxtapose each clue. Although he had an inchoate thought, the rest of the group knew he was on to something. Torque then pulled out a mungo from his bag and started writing down the clues they had so the group could find their next destination.
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