- In these other novels, more often than not, the character would leave his home, have some huge upset that helps him discover something about himself and then returns home a whole new person. In Siddhartha, however, he never returns home. And although he reaches enlightenment and is in a sense a new human being nothing crazy happens and makes him change.
- Siddhartha was taught that in order to reach enlightenment, he would have to completely get rid of all his possessions and destroy one's self in order to become this new person.
- I read this book quite awhile ago, so I don't remember these "time lapses," but my guess would be that it'd have to do with trying to get a point across to the reader, possibly showing them how long and how much effort Siddhartha had to put in in order to reach enlightenment.
4. The main purpose of the first-person point of view in the passage, “I am no longer what I was, I am no longer an ascetic, no longer a priest, no longer a Brahmin” is to make clear?
a. The change in Siddhartha’s physical lifestyle, in order to follow his spiritual one
b. Show Siddhartha’s anger at the corruption present in his father’s position
c. Reveal the frustration in Siddhartha’s journey toward enlightenment
d. The views and beliefs of his family and his religion
e. Draw attention toward the excitement that Siddhartha feels now that he has less responsibility
- A, because Siddhartha had to destroy everything he was and owned in order to reach this "enlightenment" and that is a huge change in his lifestyle.
- In order to answer this, I would need to refresh myself on the details of Siddartha's pivotal moment, but I think this is a very well-rounded question and definitely worth preparing for.
Thanks for sharing these, Bailey. The next step will be to support your ideas with textual examples and literary techniques. Also, a suggestion: as we prepare for the AP exam, seek out AP learning communities for resources. Not only will their materials be more suited for the purpose, but you may meet collaborators in the process.