Thursday, April 3, 2014

Look at my Brain

My masterpiece shows my viewers what I love to do, and what I am passionate about, reading and kids. If you were to look at the progress Annette and I have made so far, you can see how our thought process has changed. When we first began, we were just going to present our analyzes of the books we chose but now we have implemented tumblr, another thing we enjoy during our free time. Tumblr is a site where you can express exactly how you feel in any given moment and so allowing everyone into that part of our life, will help you see how we think and understand things. (We plan on giving you the site once Annette figures a problem out, its currently locked for some strange reason). Tumblr is a site where you can express yourself and create something completely different from any one person and that's what we both like about it. And finally, collaboration is a huge part of tumblr itself because everyone is constantly re-blogging each others post, and also simply because Annette and I are working on this masterpiece together.

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